Plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery is a solution to different difficulties like: uneven breasts, sagging skin on the belly, sagging skin on the belly, fill sunken cheekbones, correct wrinkles using botulinum toxin.
The pratitioners are under the control of medical associations. Medical associations act as a safeguard of the fundamental values of the medical profession: the deontological ethics and code of ethics. In addition to providing exclusive representation in national and international medical practitioners, a medical college is responsible for management and protection of the medical profession.They work in their own office or clinic for medical operations such as: hyaluronic acid injections, LED techniques and photo-rejuvenation, lipofillers, rhinoplasty, mastectomy. In general, patients who consult a cosmetic or plastic surgeon are looking for the following results: slimming down the nose, their dream nose, toning up the belly.
Only cosmetic surgeons are authorized to inject botulinum toxin for filling wrinkles..
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